Club Rides - Calendar
Scroll Down and Across to view all the ride details
Please find the complete half year program of rides above, with the next ride highlighted. Alternatively, please click here or the 'Download Day Rides Calendar - iCal' button above to download the complete half year calendar as an ics file. On your computer you can then import into your calendar of choice or if downloaded on a smartphone, an option to automatically add the calendar once downloaded, should be given.
Key to ride length
Short = Up to 45 miles ----- Medium = Up to 65 miles ----- Long = 65+ miles.
Please note, the suggested route is just that and an alternative route to the destination maybe decided on the ride day. Please also note, rides can be adjusted to account for weather conditions or to accommodate new riders
Meeting Locations
WBS = Whalley Bus Station, Stand A
RCP = Ribchester Carpark
BR = Brownhill Roundabout